I will never understand your ways but I know you have a purpose for me – read a passage by clandestinely peeping over the inspirational book the girl beside me was reading. The girl was flipping through the pages of her tiny book as if she was deliberately leading me into it; and with each leaf flipped, the messages kept on talking to me. Right on target, my insides giggled and couldn’t have agreed more. It’s rather funny how God communicates with us through the odd-est of ways. For one, I was driving along SLEX on a hot summer day with an excessive amount of emotional baggage too heavy that it clouds my field of vision. It’s as if my mom’s previous reminders weren’t enough, God I believe, sent my crush zooming along SLEX as well. I mean, what are the odds? Same time, same moment! Ahh the look on my face when I saw his car on my rearview mirror.. Just priceless. That 10 second-moment sure did me wonders! Whether it was plain coincidence or divine intervention, I really attribute small moments as such to God. I was never really the religious type but I make sure my faith is strongly anchored. So God if you’re reading this, I send my warmest messages of praise and thanks up in the heavens. I’m probably just too thick to get the some of the messages so you’re sending them to me in the most atypical of ways.
By the time you read this, my period of animate existence has earned another mileage credit to it. After reading Tuesdays with Morrie, I’ve learned to appreciate aging and how it should not be taken adversely. You get how grown-ups try to deny their age, right? I’m only 21 for another hour give or take. So before I enjoy a full day of work (my birthday leave was just disapproved) and possibly a night of fun, here’s an outfit post from last weekend. Excuse the sudden drama-cameo, I could really vent out times like these.
My closet knows not of segregation per season as most of my clothes are so apt for our tropical country. If there’s one thing I learned about my fashion sense through the years, I’m definitely drawn to pieces that can stand on their own. I lack the knack for accessorizing, layering and mixing and matching so a stand-out piece should do the trick.
I am once again romancing my perennial affinity for summer dressing. Publishing raw photos because I absolutely adore the colors of this dress. Camille Co is such a genius! I sadly failed to capture the back details and how the straps meet at the back to create a V-shape. I also got myself into the haywire that is hair dying. I've been apprehensive to do so fearing it might be hard to maintain with all the touch-ups every other month or so. But I guess it's worth the try?

Coexist dress | Trunkshow sandals | Louis Vuitton Damier Azur Speedy 45 | Christian Dior key fob | H&M necklace and bracelets | Technomarine watch | Vintage wayfarers from the US
I got the wayfarers from my Grandma last weekend and I absolutely love it! I think she got it from a flea market back in the US. Check the extra cute case!
One of my best friends ever Mae got me this pink driver's license jacket <3 Super love!! Aaand while we're at it let me be a living proof that girls don't suck at driving/parking. HAHA This happened last weekend after running errands and I was tasked to park the car on our driveway. I think this is as close as it can get. #swag
I guess that's it for now?
The dress looks really good on you! And virtual high five for awesome women drivers like us (ang yabang ko lang!) Hahaha!
You are wearing THE dress. I really like it's color and it's from Co-exist pala. I'm never really good with piling accessories so a good pair of shoes would do the trick.
The title is so apt and read Tuesday's with Morrie before, I wanted to read One More Day ba iyon or For One More Day.
Happy Friday, Ana!
@ Nix - Hi Nix ;) BWAHAHAHAHA ako nga rin eh :p *high five!!*
@ Chyrel - Thanks dear :) it's one of my fave books ever! Thanks for dropping by!
I love your dress Ana and you're so payat! Eat up!
i love the dress! happy birthday! :)
I love that dress on you! :) I love your blog as well. Been going over it for quite a while now. :)
@ Maria - Hi :) Thanks so much! Couldn't agree more ;)
@ Yna - THANK YOOOOOOOU ;) illusions, halter straps can do!
@ Liezyl - Thanks so much ;)
@ Pinky - Thanks so much Ate :)
and i just fell in love with you, dear!
automatic follow! <3
really love how gorgeous you looked with that colorful outfit!
and yeah, good parking skills! haha ;)
I love the color of your dress babe! It's uhhh.yummy? I just randomly thought of a bubble gum when I saw it. ;)
I also have that license jacket, I literally squealed when I saw it back then. hehe ;)
this dress is so pretty! love the colors and the way it fits you. :) enjoyed looking at some of your posts, and love the true-to-life photos. following now. :) hope to visit again!
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