You, YES..YOU, are cordially invited to attend the virtual ribbon-cutting ceremony and be the first to preview the next chapter of my cyber habitat..
SURPRISE! SURPRISE! Scissors, anyone? Time to snip snip snip this perfectly tied red ribbon and unveil my newly-revamped personal space. I never take new ideas lightly and this proved to be the best so far. The light bulb in my head ignited an hour ago and the call of change was too good to hang up on. You could clearly tell my current state judging by my new blog name. I'm still in employment-limbo and this new chapter should mark the quest for my true calling. It may be tough to seek for a collinear career line bisecting the points of science, fashion and marketing, but a sequined-collar job, I guess that's what I'm going to look out for. AND YES I coined that while choosing the perfect filter for this one photo I posted on instagram. Clever moment, I thought to myself, why not adopt the term as my new blog name, right? It's like being granted the patent right to a particular invention without having to actually meet the relevant patentatibility requirements and their corresponding legal fees.
So that brings us to A Sequined-collar affair , a little play on the color scheme used to segmentize different fields of employment, with a little (okay, maybe a LOT) stroke of glamour to its name! Needless to say, I'll also be moving to a new blog address which is more responsive to any risk of name-change! Starting next week, I'm moving to (As my Megan-old self would say it, that's triple-dubya-dot-Ana-dash-Reynoso-dot-blogspot-dot-com ). Unless of course an evil Ana Reynoso takes over the blogging world and screws up my predetermined and aforementioned new blog address, THEN we'll have a problem.
Until then, I'll be seeing you.
SURPRISE! SURPRISE! Scissors, anyone? Time to snip snip snip this perfectly tied red ribbon and unveil my newly-revamped personal space. I never take new ideas lightly and this proved to be the best so far. The light bulb in my head ignited an hour ago and the call of change was too good to hang up on. You could clearly tell my current state judging by my new blog name. I'm still in employment-limbo and this new chapter should mark the quest for my true calling. It may be tough to seek for a collinear career line bisecting the points of science, fashion and marketing, but a sequined-collar job, I guess that's what I'm going to look out for. AND YES I coined that while choosing the perfect filter for this one photo I posted on instagram. Clever moment, I thought to myself, why not adopt the term as my new blog name, right? It's like being granted the patent right to a particular invention without having to actually meet the relevant patentatibility requirements and their corresponding legal fees.
So that brings us to A Sequined-collar affair , a little play on the color scheme used to segmentize different fields of employment, with a little (okay, maybe a LOT) stroke of glamour to its name! Needless to say, I'll also be moving to a new blog address which is more responsive to any risk of name-change! Starting next week, I'm moving to (As my Megan-old self would say it, that's triple-dubya-dot-Ana-dash-Reynoso-dot-blogspot-dot-com ). Unless of course an evil Ana Reynoso takes over the blogging world and screws up my predetermined and aforementioned new blog address, THEN we'll have a problem.
Until then, I'll be seeing you.