Sunday, December 2, 2012

Let the shopping commence

Banana & Bariana @arianakriska  Shopping day at Chatuchak

I remain indebted for all the unpublished thoughts bubbling under. What may seem eons ago, this was taken some 1 month and 5 days ago to kickstart a week's full of bargain-hunting, cash-burning shopping and leg-amputating walk-a-thons. I am not exaggerating. Our first day fell on a Sunday, so Chatuchak Weekend market it was! Prior to this trip, I spent months turning cyberspace inside out for shopping blogs on how to systematically conquer Chatuchak but to no avail. Once we alighted from the train, it was a moving, breathing mosh pit so we just went with the flow. The key to surviving the Chatuchak mayhem is perseverance. If you really want to snag the best deals, THIS is the place to be. You just gotta shove that extra ounce of patience (and a bottled water or two) on to your back pocket and you're good to go. Looking back to my treasure trove of cheap thrills. I got the cheapest (yet stylish for its kind) clothes from Chatuchak. 

It is a well-known fact among my family and friends that careful planning went behind my BKK trip wardrobe, as in two-months-in-the-making-careful planning. On Chatuchak day, it was my easy-breezy Roxy sundress with peephole back details. I can't stand wearing anything-sleeved indoors, what more on a 5+ acre outdoor market right? The fabric resembles that of a smooth, finely-woven nylon, almost the same texture as a pair of boardshorts, making it crease- and sweat-marks -proof altogether.

Staying loyal to my penultimate shopping rule, Twiggy (my shopping bag) tagged along.
Eat. Shop. Sleep. Shop. Shop. Shop...
Authentic Thai seafood dinner to cap off an EXTREMELY tiring first day. 

Okayyy, gotta jet. 

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Monday, November 5, 2012

Friday, October 19, 2012

Come on let your colors burst

Come on let your colors burst Candy stripes & macarons, my kinda' Friday
This party is old and uninviting
Participants all in black and white
You entered in full-blown technicolor
Nothing is the same after tonight

Sunday, October 14, 2012

As of late

I am literally hanging on by a fingernail in this blogging sinkhole, blackhole, what have you, and here goes my attempt to once again salvage my space before it settles down below the blogging graveyard. For the past 3 weeks I have withdrawn my commitment from the NGO I worked with (as it was not exactly the career move I was looking for), lived life vicariously (through-) as the adopted Gilmore Girl, and lived to tell the tale! I plan to lead a very serene life until the Mother Vacation of all staycations would come abduct me on the 27th.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Sequined-collar job

Sequined-collar job, that's what I'm gonna look out for

Stowing away my sequined-collar collar wardrobe as I take on a new responsibility in a corporate Non-Government Organization. A far cry from my previous Corporate-Multinational experience, I'm sure this 360 degree-change in environment will do me good. I did not anticipate my unemployment days to be cut short, lasting only 5 full days as I start with my new job tomorrow. The greatest part of it all is that I get to have a paid month-long dry run to see if this is where I want my career to head..and of course, for them to see if I'm cut for the job. If everything turns out well, I'll be regularized by October, otherwise, you know the drill. And did I mention my office is roughly 10kms away from home? Oh you bet 'cha!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Cocoa and Chanel

You only have one face so you better take damn good care of it. I obviously came a long way from my eyeliner & petroleum jelly days, expanding my cosmetics terrain with the use of BB cream and highly-pigmented, industrial strength eye shadow palettes. Ha Ha!
Sumo-smokey eyes at nag iinarte
Inarte overkill. I'm a huge smokey eyes-fan but my lids can only take so much black make up, and with the risky nature of this style, overdoing can look horribly wrong. Until I plan on being the adopted Kardashian sister, I'm keeping my smokey eyes intensity level to a minimum, thank you. Besides, don't you just hate the feeling of burying your skin under layers and layers of make up? Because I do. One or two is simply enough.That is me in an early morning beauty product testing, completely ditching breakfast. 

Thanks Nanay for the Chanel & MAC loot and Tita Joy for the Bobbi Brown and assorted Korean goodies! I'm a happy girl for receiving pasalubongs whenever my mom's friends would go abroad! :D

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

All I need in this life of sin, is me and my girlfriend(s)..

See you on the dark side. Moving to in a few! 

Friday, August 31, 2012

Cut to the Chase!

You, YES..YOU, are cordially invited to attend the virtual ribbon-cutting ceremony and be the first to preview the next chapter of my cyber habitat..

SURPRISE! SURPRISE! Scissors, anyone? Time to snip snip snip this perfectly tied red ribbon and unveil my newly-revamped personal space. I never take new ideas lightly and this proved to be the best so far. The light bulb in my head ignited an hour ago and the call of change was too good to hang up on. You could clearly tell my current state judging by my new blog name. I'm still in employment-limbo and this new chapter should mark the quest for my true calling. It may be tough to seek for a collinear career line bisecting the points of science, fashion and marketing, but a sequined-collar job, I guess that's what I'm going to look out for. AND YES I coined that while choosing the perfect filter for this one photo I posted on instagram. Clever moment, I thought to myself, why not adopt the term as my new blog name, right? It's like being granted the patent right to a particular invention without having to actually meet the relevant patentatibility requirements and their corresponding legal fees.

So that brings us to A Sequined-collar affair , a little play on the color scheme used to segmentize different fields of employment, with a little (okay, maybe a LOT) stroke of glamour to its name! Needless to say, I'll also be moving to a new blog address which is more responsive to any risk of name-change! Starting next week, I'm moving to (As my Megan-old self would say it, that's triple-dubya-dot-Ana-dash-Reynoso-dot-blogspot-dot-com ). Unless of course an evil Ana Reynoso takes over the blogging world and screws up my predetermined and aforementioned new blog address, THEN we'll have a problem.

Until then, I'll be seeing you

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

From cloud 9 to ground zero to square one

Before my personal space spirals down the blogging black hole, allow me to salvage it this one time by tossing in a fresh entry. So what could this blog possibly missed out on? From a seemingly all-time career high, my go-kart on the corporate race track came to a halt and went berserk. Okay I'm exaggerating. Grown-up life happened and I filed my resignation earlier this month. Nothing major. I can't keep on allowing people to put me in a position when and where they feel like it. It's been 12 months, what the hell am I chopped liver? I believe I've shown enough resilience over the past year, but it's my personal happiness and sanity on the line, then we HAVE an issue.

I have a natural tendency to act negatively towards change. But not this time. You know those "it's time"-moments when you suddenly have to part ways with something you've been holding on to dearly (case in point: my beloved job) but deep inside you know it couldn't have happened in a better time. Sad consolation, but better than none, right? This may also be the perfect opportunity for me to pursue something else and invest in my future. I'm afraid I am enjoying my much-needed staycation for now, hogging the TV all to myself and running series marathon until I literally fall asleep.

I may have sounded the panic button a little early on. Technically, unemployment starts next week and so far, I realized there's no need for me to chase down every opportunity.  If it's for me, it will come. I don't want to commit to a new job just  for the sake of working and earning and busying myself until something better comes along, I mean, where's the fun in that right? haha

ANYWAY. Posting a recent photo of me after a long day of lunch out and shopping with my parents. In an Olivia&Fifth dress which is gorgeous but breast cancer-inducing. Go figure, HAHA/

ANYWAY, God-knows where I'm off to so while at it I am exploiting the wonders of television. Currently hooked on this new Amy Sherman-Palladino series! 

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Young, stressed but girl you're well-dressed

The sight of virtual cobwebs and the dingy smell of abandonment. I have been snoozing my last-entry incubation alarm off for the past few weeks. Frankly my mind could maximize the full two day break each week aka weekends doing absolutely nothing. Drafted a few entries only to crumple the idea and shoot 'em straight up to the dumpster at the end of the day. What have I been really up to for the past month?

My idea of a perfect weekend involves some peace and quiet at home, popping in my favorite series for an all-day eye sore-inducing series marathon. I can only take light comedy-drama story lines given a very stressful busy weekday schedule, it's the least I can do to desaturate my brain and simmer down stress levels. Putting my obsession over West Coast teen dramas (The O.C., 90210, The Hills, etc.) aside, it's a long way down Route 66 which brings us to Sunny Arizona to play The Lying Game. 
I anticipate teen-series like a cult follower. I knew this was bound to be a hit on day 1, it had me on Sara Shepard adaptation. Basically revolves around the twins-separated-at-birth with their lives bound by a huge web of lies- kind of plot. I find it a little less dragging than Pretty Little Liars with leads leading them into actual useful facts on the search for their biological mother. Each episode is sure to leave you wanting more. Trust me!

Exhibit B. This is an instant pick-me-upper, a far cry from the suspense, mystery that is the Lying Game.

It took me a few re runs before I got hooked with the series. It's got a little Devil Wears Prada going on and I love it. Very entertaining and fasyown!

When not at home being a professional couch potato on weekends, I face the everyday stresses of the working class on most days of the week. This week has been particularly surprising in a good way. Not technically promoted, but as far as functional guidance-directives is concerned, I just took half a step up in the corporate ladder :) reporting straight to our country business manager, aka the big boss! (Bypass'ed a supervisor and a manager I once reported to). The sound of it is a wee bit scary but the challenge is what I'm up for. You don't expect to further your game by always staying on the safe side right? And then there will always be prospect game changers in the form of *coughs* higher-paying *coughs* job opportunities. Turning it down and sticking to what your gut feeling tells you. Salary isn't always the clincher. 

With the progress I'm making at work, compensatory treats are in order. Some Thursday ago was an "I made it" -kind of day. Hopped in my car right after working overtime and went straight to the mall. For a few hours I felt like an accomplished young professional shopping after hours. Naaaks! Everything I bought is within reason (and budget). This is the part when I'm squealing with excitement..
..Because gold paper bags never fail to elicit squeals of delight..Some things go swiftly when unplanned. It feels an awful lot different spending money from your own pocket and not your parents’. Yes, those gruesome hours and near-break down moments stressing over deadlines finally paid off. My first after-office trip to the mall alone turned out to be a very fulfilling one :) :) :) :) 

I barely have time between work and rest and this entry has been idly sitting in my drafts folder for nearly a month now. Publishing just for the heck of it.. 

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Walking on sunshine

The past few weeks have been anything but. My long standing battle with colds is still quite pressing and to make matters worse, I had to endure a few days with a bloody nose. Not the most convenient when you’re out and about. I was forced to tag along a family lunch in Alabang on Laguna Day Holiday because my dad operates our house ala Army Rangers, No Man Behind; specially the casualty. I was forced to buy myself mochi ice cream for dessert which served as a makeshift ice bag (whilst ‘twas thawing) to cease the bleeding. Two for the price of one.

On the abovementioned Holiday, I patiently watched my mother and sisters shopped for shoes while I literally stayed on one corner, bleeding. If there’s anything I got from a very simple childhood rearing by my folks, it’s to never compromise quality over quantity; which does not out rightly suggest go buy expensive, by the way. I have been taking a detour around Rustan’s to avoid the display rack housing this pair. I’ve done so successfully for the past few months until recently. I walked out of the store in them. END OF STORY.

Then there’s always work to whine about. I was never really the complaining type (Yes, people change). A key strength noticed by our Big Boss who I happen to be directly reporting to. Brownie points. I recently got on board the monotonous-work wave, aftermath of which is slacking off. I got a bitch slap of reality: maintain your best despite a dwindling motivation, keep it professional. I still think I have a spankin’ job, even with three full months spent in the office and not a single business travel. If there’s anything I miss, it’s sitting in a coffee shop or fancy restaurant in Bacolod to meet with haciendero clients, and really guapo hacienderos at that!  For the record, wholesome ang trabaho ko

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Bat your eyes girl, be otherworldly

Count your blessing, seduce a stranger

Relax, it's a song. Sometimes I feel like breaking into a happy dance for no apparent reason. Then there are times when I just want to stay in a corner, curl up in a ball and die. Hi blog, your momma's back. In case your mental image of my face lost its luster, well I'm plastering a new one right about now. I exude the afterglow of a burnout star after having too much to drink from the fountain of youth. At least I'd like to think I'm 21 years young in this photo. Boy, how many times have I actually looked younger than my age? We're not getting any younger. 

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Spring 'Flea' Queen

Shopping without the guilt trip. Who said it’s impossible to fit those two in one sentence? Forget the price tag, babyBehind this maarte façade and seemingly brand-crazy persona, I‘ve grown fondness for vintage and thrift finds readily available online. Ahh, the thrill of finding something I like without dropping my half-a-month's paycheck for an item or two. Sometimes though, the price premium of online thrift shops is still above what I’m willing to shell out for used clothing.

So I found myself on a mission to go on my first thrift shopping experience in thrift stores locally known as Ukay Ukay.  After all, who doesn't love a good bargain? I ended up waving the white flag after nearly an hour into the mission and went home empty handed. What went wrong you ask? The clothes were ridiculously overpriced at Php155 for an item. I’d always envy my sister Ela when she’d go home with a handful clothes from Ukay trips with her friends, dropping only a few hundred for about 5 separates. Php155 could’ve gotten her about 4 pieces already, a far cry from the price range the store was offering.

With actual Ukay-hopping off my list, I have to make do with what the World Wide Web has to offer. Decided to pool the clothes I got at bargain prices, I can only remember as far back. Here’s a quick run-down of the best bargains I’ve scored around the cyberworld and beyond.
  • Prairie Girl. (Php 200Crazy about floral chiffon dresses that double as office wear. This has a- Little House on the Prairie going on with the adorable neckline and the capelet feature.
  • Ice Princess. (Php 200I knew this will never work as a dress with my 5’6’’ frame but it’s too pretty to ignore. Don’t you just love the cut right below the waist plus the layers of thick lace that doesn’t make you itch? (nope, not even for a bit). I wore this over my footless tights and it looked pretty decent for work if you’re aiming for that just got out of skate practice- look
  • Oriental Warrior Princess. (Php 350) It had me on the kimono sleeves alone. It's very office-appropriate and public commute-friendly. The fuchsia color is so retro I just had to cinch it with a blue belt. 
  • Champagne Supernova. (Php 299)     I was randomly browsing through Penshoppe’s summer collection when I stumbled upon this beauty. Last one, my size..story of my life! I love the embellished waist making the dress look more expensive than its pricetag.
  • Flapper Girl. (Php 100) Black Zara dress I scored from Patricia Prieto's booth during Bloggers United II. Trust me, a little black dress will come to the rescue of any social calendar emergency. 
  • The Butterfly Effect. (Php 320)  I may not be able to sink my toes into sandy beaches but this cover up works wonderfully as casual wear. I absolutely despise wearing bras and anything tight fitting when at home and this tunic is the perfect weekend clothing without looking sloppy. I usually wear sports bra underneath so I don’t have to layer it over a tank top. And yeah, I don’t mind looking like a walking handkerchief sometimes.
  • Valley Girl. (Php 300Scored this from Patricia Prieto’s booth at Bloggers United 1! It was love at first sight from her spread in Candy Magazine back in 2010; fast track to the next summer, it was already up for grabs at the first installment of Bloggers United. One of my favorite finds ever! Reminds me so much of this dress from Valley Girl episode of Gossip Girl. 
I'm no Flea Queen but who can resist a good bargain? I sure can't. End of season sale is just around the corner.I don't know about you, but I'm hiding my debit & credit cards! 

Saturday, June 16, 2012

The rest is still unwritten

Who are you and what have you done to Ana? I woke up one morning feeling completely psyched going back to school. Zeroed in on enrolling myself in business school, actually. That week came by like a whirlwind, discussing matters with my parents from making successive calls to the admissions office to consolidating all necessary documents required for application. I knew my 10-month Marketing+Admin work experience in a multinational company isn't going to vouch for my one-way ticket in grad school, much less in business school? I couldn't grow balls to phone in this crucial inquiry but getting an answer was way better than not having any hunch at all. I'd like to know, despite my 10-month work experience, would my application be given fair consideration for admissions? I got a crisp, in-your-face NO. Point blank. Okay, it was more of a Not Now. It stung to hear the admissions officer explain further why I have to defer my application for the next 3-4 years. He made perfect sense, though.

Despite being quasi-rejected and under-qualified for formal graduate school education, I took a moment. Deep breaths, tear-soaked tissues later and a solid 10-minute spent blankly staring at my computer screen, I went back to work. Delay doesn't always mean denial. For now, it's project self-improvement for me. Thinking of continuing my stalled intermediate French language lessons, reading news headlines, etc.

I've been itching to go back my school to further my game in the corporate ladder. Apparently, the process reciprocates. You also have to gain the necessary work experience to make you cut for graduate school. It's a cut throat world, needless to say. Invest in your mind.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Chocolate Clothing BFF Style Challenge

DEAR FRIENDS, I would genuinely appreciate it if you can help my sisters increase their chances of winning the Chocolate Clothing BFF Style Challenge via Miss-Match by showing some love -- literally. 
  • Sign up at Miss Match (It's easy I swear, you only have to fill in a few questions)
  • Once you completed the registration process, they will automatically send you a verification email 
  • Click the link to verify your Miss Match account (this will direct you to the Miss Match website)
  • Head over to the FASHION FEED section and look for the entry SOUTHERN BELLE :) (it's on page 2 as of 06.04.12
  • The "Love it" option will automatically appear so just CLICK! :) 
Merci beaucoup! :)

PS. If you're having difficulty in locating her entry, please CLICK THIS instead. 

Sunday, June 3, 2012


'Cause when I shop the world gets better, it IS better. Then it's not anymore, and I need to do it again.
--Confessions of a Shopaholic
After losing myself for several hours down the rabbit-haul (get it?), I realized the awful truth that nothing fuels my blogging fire better than tossing in a little fashion-log. I decided to stay in on Bloggers United weekend, avoiding last-minute teasers on Instagram and live updates on twitter. The decision did me good as I was able to equally spend my weekend between my family and my dear girlfriends + Dean. 

Teasers tortured me to the core. But you know what they say discipline can trample down the borders between dream and reality. I knew it was impossible to egress empty-handed so skipping the event proved to be the most economically-sound move. I'm not giving up on Project Arm Candy and my B-Fund's looking as promising and I plan to keep it this way until I turn 23. Capisce!

It didn't take much to convince myself to stay behind; this is where my reasonable, working girl self transcends. After all, I was scheduled to claim my much-awaited ROXY haul from Kams which we ordered online over at ROXY.COM about a month ago. Just so you know, I'm not entirely comfortable with this whole shop-and-tell, thing. It's like inviting unwanted judgement from a mass of strangers but I have to keep this blog afloat with fresh entries every now and then. I usually try to prove a point when drafting an entry but I guess I'm pleading the fifth with this one. It is what it is. I don't need to go great lengths to prove this is not bragging.

So what do we have here? First, some of the stuff Nanay got me from their annual anniversary trip abroad. She sure knows me well. I absolutely miss walking into an H&M store, I have a feeling I will, sooner than later. Next is my Roxy haul fresh from the West Coast <3 THANKS KAMS! Finally, we have a bunch of not-so-recent Topshop finds which have been sitting in my closet for the longest time :| karamihan sa kanila last year pa. 

Steering my blog into a different direction. I criiiiiinge at the term blogger and I've grown fondness for trivial everyday-adventure posts. Thinking of rounding up my favorite cheap thrills next!

Monday, May 28, 2012

If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends

Dear blog, I’m embedding these images in your humble pages as a testament of the weekend that was. Then one day, I can take a trip down memory lane and remember that crazy night when my alcohol limit was put to the test, when I unknowingly bruised my car, nearly seduced a random vendor into giving us free chips, plotted blind dates, passed out in Kamille’s couch and chipped in only 50Pesos for all that drink I shoved down my throat. I have amazing friends. That night remains a blur. But I do have patches of memories involving unzipping of garments, Ibyang taking my blackmail-worthy photos, drunk-dialing prospect drivers and the girls talking about the details of their juicy love lives. Oh boy why did I have to miss that last part? Merde
I guess I'm notorious for overdressing. This would've been ideal for a fancier night-out/dinner date or Philippine Fashion Week, but not for a small town girl like me. This outfit deserves a lone spotlight so I'm saving the write up for another entry. Currently obsessing over this tribal print bustier from the Fashion Against Aids collection so I'll be wearing this over and over and over. Oh, I forced my sister into lending me this gorgeous maxi skirt from her friends Danielle and Regine's online shop. And I would also like to thank Dean 's sister-in-law for the necklace I bought that same day. Haha It sure became an integral part of my outfit.
PS. Friends, mag twitter na kasi kayo.


Saturday, May 26, 2012

Breakfast at Tiffany's

Grand Central Station and step on it dah-ling! 
Mom’s day at Dad’s plus Ascott for the night for majority of my family. Sucks I had to go home in the wee hours of the night to get enough rest for Monday’s hustle. Vintage on vintage feel hence the Breakfast at Tiffany’s spiel earlier. If you haven’t seen this classic, I strongly suggest you do. If you don’t get it the first time, it’s fine; I had to watch it five times before I understood Holly was a happy-go-lucky social butterfly who sort of gold-dug her way around NYC. Anyway, I absolutely adore this black vintage lace dress I got from Looking for Lola at half the price. Added a final classic touch with this vintage Chanel classic flap of my grandmum.

Looking for Lola lace dress | Coach monogram flats | Vintage Chanel bag

That is our suite and below is a cheap thrill of mine. My favorite lengua estofado from Cucina. (Only in Glorietta food court.)
I haven’t fully regained my blogging mojo and I’m not into publishing anything half-baked but this should do it for now. I’m a very busy woman and I haven’t got all day to blab. Ta ta

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Let's Have Some Fun This Beat is Sick

Don't be a drag just be a queen.

Studs, leather, spikes, blonde wigs, leather, latex and glitters.. The attraction, no doubt about it, was the Lady Gaga Concert! The Born this Way Ball is the perfect venue to dress over-the-top without being judged so you can probably imagine the crowd: a plethora of Sartorialist-worthy glam fashionistas! 

PS. HI KAREN :) Thanks for the 1st photo!! Nice seeing you! I MISSED YOU!
H&M skater dress | Glitterati blazer | Aerosoles suede boots | Zoo shop heart-shaped purse | H&M accessories

For weeks I’ve been letting my imagination run wild with sparkly poufy skirts, sequined jackets, velvet dresses, etc.  Dressing to fit in, or stand out is always a choice. On the last minute I ditched all plans and let comfort take center stage once and for all. I’m so glad my mom got me this skater dress which instantly solved my outfit dilemma. I just threw in this overused blazer from Glitterati which always come to the rescue of any boring outfit. 
 I left my head and my heart on the dance floor.
The Born this Way Ball was the perfect venue to kickstart my youngest sister Ela’s 18th birthday week. As expected, Lady Gaga killed it on stage. I got chills the moment the curtain dropped, exposing a huge castle. It was overall strange, a bit disturbing but undoubtedly beautiful all rolled into one spectacle of magical proportions! Don’t hate, appreciate.

I have nothing but respect for Lady Gaga as an artist. If her performance doesn’t spell passion, I don’t know what else would. She gave it her all. It’s very sad how these so-called religious groups judge her over one song. One act does not necessarily speak for her as an artist. Besides, we're all entitled to express our own ideas, no matter how bizarre they may be. Ok, I got grossed out by that huge birthing-scene during the opening of Born This Way, but hey, it’s one way to look at it. Haha You gotta give credits to the woman who gave birth to the idea. Here’s to you Mother Monster for painting the music scene with your creativity. Truly you’re one of the greatest performers of this generation.

Oooh there ain't no other way
Baby you were born this way
Ela you were born this daaaay! :)

HAPPY 18th ELA! 

-Love, Ate

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day Nay :)
You deserve to be honored 365 days a year, not just for one Sunday <3 

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Star Spangled Fantasy


Throw in some Uggs and I’d pass for a sell-out reality star doing her rounds in the grocery on a Saturday. Can’t help feeling inspired by all the laid back, boho dressing showcased by Coachella attendees. (aminin, nakakainspire talaga ang mga suot ng mga attendees!) Common factor? Skin, sheer, shorts, boots, flowers, swimwear and did I mention skin? Lots of ‘em! It’s as if showing your belly is a sine qua none to your presence. Times like these, hipster fashion is taking center stage but before you start singing Faux-chella-ella-ella-eh-eh-eh allow me to elaborate more on my outfit.

Hemlines are reaching for the skies as the season marches on. This pair of American flag printed hotpants from Topshop is the perfect go-to denim if you want to stay away from the conventional denim cut offs. I love how it looks so laid back with the distressed hem and faded print as if it has aged beautifully (when in fact it’s my first time to wear them out). From Plain Jane to GI Jane

TOPSHOP swing cropped top | TOPSHOP shorts | Trunkshow lace up boots | Heart-shaped sunnies from Shop Calico (redeemed from Chictopia)
Headed to the Country Club for a round of Tennis and Bowling with my family on Labor Day. Yes, you read that right. Little Miss Sedentary right here suddenly came to her senses and decided to try out something completely new- sports! 2012 is boasting of its long list of "firsts", I am so proud of myself. Oh, please don't judge my bowling score, I was a lot better on the Tennis court than I was on the Bowling Alley. I tell you. 

I still take crappy blog photos. Heeeh
Ciao! Confining myself to Starvation Nation right about..NOW!